Natal Chart Calculations


Please enter Birth date in format "", time (local) and location. If you know precise geographical coordinates or hospital, please enter them as well.

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For more information about APS Time Conversion method, please refer to Our Vision or read the description of the Natal Chart Calculations below.

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Choose up to 10 and separate by comma. To see the list of objects we include by default, click here. Note: If you do not want any changes, please write "default" in the field.

Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /home2/astropr4/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 2431
Choose the same number of objects that you want to be included (up to 10). Write the SPKID numbers separated by comma, e.g. 2000001 for Ceres, etc. To see the full list of numbered objects (incl. comets) and their SPKID (7-digit) numbers, click here. To see the full list of unnumbered objects (incl. comets) and their SPKID (7 or 8-digit) numbers, click here. Note: If you do not want any changes, please write "default" in the field.

Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /home2/astropr4/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 2431
Choose the objects you want to be included in the Triangle Grid (displayed after the VTX) - see the Triangle Grid sample image. Choose 10 objects and separate by comma. Note: If you do not want any changes, please write "default" in the field.

Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /home2/astropr4/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 2431
Choose the objects you want to be included in the Rectangle Grid (displayed after the VTX) - see the Rectangle Grid sample image. Choose 10 objects and separate by comma. Note: If you do not want any changes, please write "default" in the field.

Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /home2/astropr4/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 2431
Choose the objects you want to be included in the Rectangle Grid - see the Rectangle Grid sample image. Choose 28 objects and separate by comma. Note: If you do not want any changes, please write "default" in the field.

Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /home2/astropr4/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 2431
Product total
Options total
Grand total


The Natal Chart Calculations product that we produce and promote here at APS (hereafter “Preferred Chart”) is the most accurate in the world!  We also make an effort to use the most precise geographic coordinates of the location of the birth or event (e.g., Google Earth coordinates if a hospital or other marker is given) and to use the clock time given to determine the proper Universal Time (UT) to calculate approximately 500 objects in the chart.

To accomplish this, if the clock time is not based upon local solar time (LMT) but rather on a conveniently set clock synchronized to another local meridian, e.g., EST (UT – 5 hrs.), an adjustment is needed to reflect the observer’s location.  This is not done and never has been done in ordinary astrological practice except with respect to calculating Local Apparent Sidereal Time (ST), from which the house structure is determined.  The astronomical basis for this is that Sidereal Time is rotational by definition, which most if not all astrologers do recognize.

There is also another time scale that is rotational, i.e., Universal Time (UT1).  However, this fact has been selectively and conveniently ignored in astrological practice (since 1883 when Railroad or Standard Time was implemented) in the conversion of civil or wall-clock time to UT, from which we use to calculate celestial objects.  Therefore, with respect to this rotational time scale (UT1), of which every first-year astronomy student is aware, we use a formula correction that recognizes this inexorable law of astronomy:  Time is LATER to the east, EARLIER to the west of any given meridian on Earth, applicable to both rotational time scales.  This law was not abrogated upon the convenient decision to synchronize clocks, nor is the criticism valid that we are “taking out of context” what every astronomer knows and concurs about this law.  The evidence of the common ignorance that UT is rotational is seen in any conventional Standard Chart printout where the calculated UT is the same for all observers within a time zone whose clocks have been synchronized to a standard meridian regardless of the longitude.  As an example, for a clock arbitrarily set to a standard meridian 10 degrees to the west of the observer, the correction is a UT 40 minutes LATER than what is assumed by using the conventional formula.  In this example, the Moon is approximately 20 arc minutes LATER (i.e., in the Preferred Chart) than what we see in the Standard Chart printout calculated by ALL astrological software that uses wall-clock time input.

At Astro Precise Services (APS) our Preferred Chart is that which recognizes all laws of astronomy, whereas the Standard Chart is that which fails at least with respect to the conversion of synchronized clock time to UT, as we’ve explained above.  We present both chart wheels on the last page of our product (courtesy of: Astrolog 7.6).  And, we promote, of course, the use of the Preferred Chart (created in Astrolog with a macro provided by its creator Walter Pullen); however, for those who insist on their chart being calculated without the recognition that UT is rotational and with a house system different than the one we propose (i.e., the Meridian or Axial Rotation), we will accommodate their preference but with this:

Disclaimer:  For any Standard Chart request (as defined herein) calculated by Astro Precise Services (APS), we are not responsible for any miscalculation of objects due to an incorrect UT or any interpretations of object positions based upon it.

All APS Natal Chart Calculations are geocentric and use the Tropical Zodiac.  We’ve designed two different ways to present the chart data:  1) all objects sorted by Ecliptic Longitude, and 2) all objects sorted the same but organized by their classification, e.g., Planets, Centaurs, Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs), Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects (eTNOs) not available elsewhere, Asteroids, Name Asteroids (user-selected[1]), Chiron-type Comets (CTCs) not available elsewhere, Behenian Fixed Stars and three Galactic points, Extra Points (e.g., House cusps, Venus Star Point (VSP), the various Moon’s Nodes and Apsides, the latter of which include the Natural or apparent positions as calculated with JPL Horizons.  We are not aware that these Natural or apparent positions are calculated elsewhere.

We present our charts and products (some in PDF format) in a Microsoft Excel-protected file as the end product utilizing the gold standard JPL Horizons API calculation of approximately 500 carefully-selected objects.  We link all objects on the first page to JPL Small-body Database Browser (SBDB), to the Minor Planet Center (MPC), or to SIMBAD where appropriate.  If there is an MPC number we list it, along with the most current JPL epoch data such as the period (yrs.), the diameter (km), and the condition code (CC).  Some of the objects and points, e.g., the Behenian Fixed Stars and three Galactic points, the House cusps, and the various Moon’s Nodes and Apsides (excluding the Natural or apparent positions) are calculations of the Swiss Ephemeris.

Page 1 – Planet Signs and Placements:  Calculating all objects and points, e.g., House Cusps, Extra Points, Behenian Fixed Stars and three Galactic points to a precision of 0.01 arc second and listing the four coordinates RA, DEC, LAT, LON and retrograde (Rx).  We also calculate the diameter of the Sun and Moon and their left and right limbs for research astrologers who need to know when transits occur, the limbs of which we’ve found to be the activation points, not the center-of-body longitude as commonly used.  For slow movers like Sedna, 2012VP113, Alicanto, etc., the date of a particular transit may be weeks different from that tabulated for the center of the Sun or Moon.

Page 2 – Discovery Data:  All objects and points are listed in zodiacal order with each object’s discovery date as officially recognized by the MPC, the longitude of the Sun and Moon, and the basic data, e.g., the observatory, country, geographic LON and LAT and the discoverer(s).  We do not accept or list anecdotal accounts, e.g., Chiron’s supposed discovery on Nov. 1, 1977, but, rather, what the discoverer, C. T. Kowal, himself submitted in the discovery report to the official agency – in other words, Oct. 18, 1977.  During a personal phone call with C. T. Kowal after the announcement was made, he was unambiguous that he “recognized” his discovery two weeks later but advised me to rely on his discovery report.  I, therefore, advise other astrologers to follow the same advice.  Precovery images are not listed either as discovery dates, only what one sees by accessing the MPC link, e.g., Chiron, noting what follows after “Discovered at.”

Page 3 – Declinations:  All objects and points are listed in declination order from the most extreme S. DEC to the most extreme N. DEC using a 1º orb (customizable).  The out-of-bounds (OOB) objects are highlighted for easy detection.  We display a grid with 17 selectable objects from the total list at the top with the parallel (PAR) or contra-parallel (C-PAR) aspect underneath the total list.  The aspects are in dms format (e.g., PAR 0º56’18”).

Page 4 – Triangle Aspect Grid:  To the left of the grid are 26 objects, 10 of which are user-selected from the total available.  The first 16 listed are the Moon through Pluto and points, Chiron, House 1, House 10, House 7, ASC, Natural Moon’s North Node (NN), and Vertex (VTX).  At the bottom and along the angle are all the objects and points, including the Sun (a total of 27).  The 30 aspects we use are table-listed with the Degree, Name, ABBR, Orb, and Series (2, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11).  The aspects within the grid show the 3-letter ABBR and are precise to an arc second.

Page 5 – Rectangle Aspect Grid:  An alternative grid with 17 objects listed in the previous grid (incl. the Sun) with an additional 10 user-selected objects or points from the total list.  To the left are 28 user-selected objects or points.  Same 3-letter ABBR precise to an arc second.  Both aspect grids are unparalleled in the astrology industry.  The Aspect list as described on page 4 is displayed for easy reference.

Page 6 – Dominance Analysis:  Displayed are column charts of the Element, Zodiac Sign, Modality, House Type, Hemisphere (N-S, E-W), and Quadrant, using all the objects and points with subsets – a total of 26 column charts!

Page 7 – Harmonic Analysis of Aspects:  All objects and points are listed with the number of aspects that each makes in a particular series.  The Aspect list as described on page 4 is displayed for easy reference.

Page 8 – Arabic Parts:  Listing 124 parts with a side-by-side comparison using the EP (1st House in the Meridian System) and ASC (1st House in most other house systems).  Each longitude calculation is precise to 0.01 arc second.  At APS, we promote the non-discriminatory Meridian House System, which defines the EP as the 1st House cusp, as the better value to use in the formula, and we recognize night and day births.

Page 9 – Aspect List & Meanings  The Aspect List described on page 4 is displayed with each of the series aspect meanings, and with respect to the declination aspects (PAR and C-PAR), we provide a list of eight articles or books with links for the astrologer to research.

Page 10 – Sabian Symbols:  Listing all the Sabian symbols produced in 1925 by clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler and popularized by the notable astrologer Dane Rudhyar.

Page 11 – Complete Aspects:  Listing all objects and points with aspects to the 17 objects and points listed on page 4 precise to I arc second color-coded by series for easier detection.

Page 12 through 17 – 2-Series to 11-series:  All objects and points are aspected as on page 11 but according to their particular series.  We find this helpful in the harmonic analysis of the chart.

Page 18:  Angular Distances: Listing all objects and points with their degree separation to the 17 objects and points listed on page 4 precise to seven decimal places.

Page 19 – Object List:  An alphabetical list of all objects and points for easy reference.

Page 20 – Birth or Event Data:  This is the same Birth or Event Data box as on page 1 along with the two Astrolog 7.6 charts described earlier: 1) APS Preferred Chart calculated with the requested house system but honoring the astronomical law described above in the main description, and 2) the Standard Chart calculated with the requested house system but ignoring the fact that Universal Time is rotational, of which results in an inaccurate planetary structure.  The Standard Chart is the one calculated by all the astrology software of which we are aware.  Listed also are the various selected glyphs in the charts and what they represent.

In addition, to minimize processing orders with mistyped SPKID numbers, we will require that when you receive your order receipt, please confirm in your reply “Yes, all is correct” or “No, here are some corrections,” and, then, the order will be processed by us.  Thanks for your cooperation!

[1] NOTE:   The term “user-selected” herein means it’s a selection done at the point of sale. Therefore, when placing an order for a natal chart, it’s necessary to specify, if you do not want the default choices, which objects you want removed to be replaced with others (see the linked lists).  Once the chart is calculated and sent to you, this selection is NOT subjected to further customization.