Custom Ephemeris


Choose Midnight (0hr UT) or Noon (12hr UT)

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Specify the start date of the ephemeris, e.g., "2023-01-01".

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Please write the SPKID number of the object for which you want the ephemeris, e.g. 20000001 for Ceres, etc. To see the full list of numbered objects (incl. comets) and their SPKID (7-8 digit) numbers, click here. To see the full list of unnumbered objects (incl. comets) and their SPKID (7 or 8-digit) numbers, click here.

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As the innovator of original products here at APS, we will calculate a custom ephemeris for any celestial object discovered for which the results can be retrieved from JPL Horizons.  This includes the Sun, Moon and main planets, all asteroids (including KBOs and TNOs, numbered and unnumbered) and comets (numbered and unnumbered).

The current available JPL count, as of 2024-02-19, is:

1) Numbered objects (asteroids and comets) = 640,561.
2) Unnumbered objects (asteroids and comets) = 713,472.

Most astrologers are somewhat familiar with about half of these numbered objects, of which some Swiss Ephemeris (SE)-based astrology programs can calculate.  However, very few astrologers actually track and research more than a few dozen of these.  Unlike that generated by any of these popular software programs or services, the custom ephemeris we calculate is the most precise in the world, based upon the real-time retrieval results for the object, precise to 0.01 arc second in Ecliptic Longitude!

We list the name of the object, the date the ephemeris results are retrieved from Horizons, the discovery date, orbital period, diameter (if known), perihelion date and links to JPL SBDB and MPC for that object.  We list the date, UT (either midnight or noon Greenwich), the JD number, the distance from the Sun in astronomical units (AU), the RA, DEC, LAT, LON and retrograde (Rx) status.

The Custom Ephemeris product is a PDF file.

Note:  Some objects may not be available for calculation prior to a certain date, e.g., asteroids, etc., before 1599, Bennu before 1900-01-02, etc.

In addition, to minimize processing orders with mistyped SPKID numbers, we will require that when you receive your order receipt, please confirm in your reply “Yes, all is correct” or “No, here are some corrections,” and, then, the order will be processed by us.  Thanks for your cooperation!