



The APS Perihelions product is a compiled list of the perihelions of 512 carefully-selected objects, including the Earth’s perihelions.

A perihelion occurs when a celestial object in its orbit is closest to the Sun.  For the Earth this is approximately two weeks after the Winter Solstice in December.  We calculate the Earth’s perihelion for a 20 yr. period (2010-2030), listing the date, UT (hms) and Ecliptic Longitude precise to 0.01 arc second, as provided by the gold standard JPL Horizons.

The perihelions are sorted by the date of the previous (i.e., most recent) occurrence if available.  For those objects for which it is not known or can be calculated, we list the next occurrence of the perihelion also sorted by date, as seen in the image here.  For the other objects, we list the next perihelion up to the end of year 2024.

For all objects we list the classification (e.g., Planet, Asteroid, Centaur, CTC, TNO, eTNO, etc.), MPC Number (if available), links to both JPL SBDB and MPC, orbital period (yrs.), condition code (CC) and diameter.  The date and time (UT) is precise to a minute of time with the corresponding Ecliptic Longitude and retrograde status.

When an object is at perihelion, it is considered by most astrologers to have a heightened significance in the chart, interpreted usually as the beginning of a new cycle of the manifestation of the object’s purpose, being infused as it were with a “decree” by the Sun, the most important object by far in the chart.  If an object at perihelion is conjunct a natal object, it is particularly important in various ways depending on the Sign and House placement, not to mention the aspects, for the individual during that particular cycle.  At APS we, therefore, recommend exploring this relatively unused information in chart analysis.

The Perihelions product is an Excel password-protected file.