New & Full Moon Charts – Extras




The APS New & Full Moon Charts – Extras product is a compilation of each New & Full Moon of 2022 with the most precise calculation available anywhere of the date and time (UTC) of these events, precise to 0.001s.  We list the LON, LAT, RA and DEC of the Sun and Moon, as well as the two bonus objects below, precise to 0.01 arc second.  As the innovator of providing the Galactic LON and LAT of celestial objects (see our product Galactic Chart Calculations), we list here as well the Galactic coordinates of the Sun.

The bonus objects and their calculations are:

1) 2021PH27, an Atira asteroid discovered on Aug. 13, 2021, with the shortest orbital period of all known asteroids in the Solar System.  This is one of the few unnumbered objects available for calculation with some Swiss Ephemeris (SE)-based astrology programs (see here the assigned number 999050).  You will notice, however, that the solution date here is later than the file date of the SE ephemeris file.  What this means is that the orbital data have been since updated with new observations, and the more precise calculation of 2021PH27 will be found only here at APS or JPL Horizons.

2) C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS), a hyperbolic comet that has been traveling for millions of years to a rendezvous with our Sun on Dec. 19, 2022, 17:11:04.55 UTC at an Ecliptic LON of 29º Sag 59’34.11”, according to the gold standard JPL Horizons data retrieved on this July 25th.  This is the largest active comet ever detected by astronomers when discovered on May 21, 2017, 11:48:02.016 UT.  Unfortunately, the SE does not calculate this object for chart inclusion and analysis by astrologers.  If you wish to order an ephemeris of this very significant megacomet, see our product Custom Ephemeris.

The APS New & Full Moon Charts – Extras product is an Excel password-protected file.