Master List of Discovered Objects




The Master List of Discovered Objects is a compilation of 714 objects sorted by MPC number with the remaining in alphabetical order.  Much of the data here is duplicated on page 2 of our main product – Natal Chart Calculations. They are an assortment of Place Name Asteroids, Name Asteroids, TNOs, etc., any of which you may choose or those within the comprehensive alphabetical list (up to 10) to replace and include in a chart order at the point of sale.  To “replace” means that the objects that are replaced (please specify) will not appear in the customized chart.

Page 1 – Discovery Data:  We honor the discoverer(s) of all celestial objects calculated in our products by listing their names, the observatory, and its location, e.g., the country and state (if in the USA) and geographic coordinates.  Each object is linked to JPL SBDB and the Minor Planet Center (MPC), the latter being the official source of the discovery data.  We list the discovery date as noted at MPC, i.e., the first observation of the object submitted in the discovery report of the astronomer(s) and the corresponding precise Universal Time (UT).  If only the date is provided, we use midnight Greenwich (i.e., 0hr UT).  We do NOT recognize or list any anecdotal “discovery” dates based upon phone calls or public announcements.  The period (yrs.), diameter (km) and condition code (CC) are provided by JPL SBDB using the current epoch (i.e., 2022-01-21) for most objects.  Here we give the Ecliptic Longitude accurate to 0.01 arc second as calculated by the gold standard JPL Horizons.  As a bonus we provide the Ecliptic Longitude of the Sun and Moon at the time of discovery.  In our experience these are quite relevant in any chart interpretation, just as is the discovered object’s position.

Page 2 – Discovery Data – Galactic:  Listed here are some of the same data as on page 1 but include the most precise calculations of:  1) the four coordinates RA, DEC, LAT, LON and Rx status and, 2) the Galactic LAT, LON and Rx status. Again, we list the Ecliptic Longitude of the Sun and Moon but with their respective Galactic Longitude.

Page 3 – Sabian Symbols:  We list all the Sabian symbols produced in 1925 by clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler and popularized by the notable astrologer Dane Rudhyar.

The Master List of Discovered Objects product is an Excel password-protected file.