Geocentric Planetary Natural Nodes and Apsides




This compilation includes the precise and accurate geocentric planetary natural nodes and apsides of the main planets and four primary asteroids, the nodes of all the named Centaurs and Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs), followed by an additional select list of 378 asteroids, etc., sorted by MPC number.

The planetary natural nodes and apsides are by definition events that can be calculated precisely, occurring when an object goes N or S in Ecliptic Latitude (i.e., node) and when at its closest or furthest distance from the Sun (i.e., perihelion and aphelion, respectively), including the astronomical distance (AU) from the Sun, on which the calculation is determined.  We consider them as important points in the chart, just as most astrologers consider the New Moon, the Venus Star Point (VSP), etc., in their delineations.  We encourage that the focus be upon these natural events rather than to the imagined positions as calculated by math formulas, otherwise known as mean, “true” or interpolated positions.  We do calculate each of these math formula-derived points in the chart, but we also provide the precise event calculation for the astrologer to assess and interpret.

Unlike the popular astrology programs, we calculate the event as determined via the gold standard JPL Horizons API access, listing the apparent RA, DEC, Ecliptic LAT and LON and Rx status, along with the Galactic LAT and LON and Rx status and, finally, the AU distance from the Sun. Because the real time values may change slightly with improved JPL orbital solutions, we update our list on a timely basis and note the retrieval date of the calculations.

As an interpretive tool of the astrologer, any chart erected for a planetary node or apside should be based, we insist, upon the most precise calculation of the event, just as with a New Moon chart, a natal chart, etc., and this is ONLY available, to our knowledge, at APS.

The Geocentric Planetary Natural Nodes and Apsides product is an Excel password-protected file.