Flower of Life – Declination Daily Ephemeris & Aspectarian


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Choose Midnight (0hr UT) or Noon (12hr UT)

Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /home2/astropr4/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 2431
Please enter the year, e.g. 2022

Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /home2/astropr4/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 2431
Please enter Birth date in format "dd.mm.yyyy", time (local) and location. If you know precise geographical coordinates or hospital, please enter them as well.

Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /home2/astropr4/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 2431
For more information about APS Time Conversion method, please refer to Our Vision or read the description of Natal Chart Calculations.

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The Flower of Life – Declination Daily Ephemeris & Aspectarian is a novel product which displays the transits of the celestial objects for each day of the year[1] as well as the aspects they make. It is available for either Noon or Midnight Greenwich with interactive object selection and with the full set of 490 carefully-selected objects, including the two Earth trojans, the Behenian fixed stars, the CTCs and eTNOs (not available anywhere else), etc., based upon the most current available results from JPL Horizons, the gold standard for astrological calculations. The Swiss Ephemeris (SE) is used for the calculations of “True” and Mean Nodes.

The Flower of Life – Declination Daily Ephemeris & Aspectarian is a highly-sophisticated Microsoft Excel file containing several sheets. It is a world-class, bug-free and easy-to-use interactive application and, if used to analyze aspecting there is no equal in the industry.

For minimization of accidental formulas or data deletion and thus suspending its proper functionality, the file is password-protected while preserving the functionalities of the interactivity and sorting. Please be advised that the Daily Ephemeris and Aspectarian file contains a lot of data, and it loads a bit slower than most Excel files due to this reason.

Note: We strongly advise the purchaser of this product to immediately save the email and to backup the file(s) before using.  APS does NOT hold any responsibility if a customer somehow unprotects the file, deletes the formulas/data inadvertently and suspends the proper functionality of the Daily Ephemeris & Aspectarian.  We also do NOT provide any support for such customer actions.  If it does occur (hopefully not), simply revert to the original email and the backup.

APS has developed a user manual describing in detail the Flower of Life – Daily Ephemeris & Aspectarian functionality and how it is used. To view/download the user manual, click here. Please note that all Daily Ephemeris & Aspectarian sample images on the website and in the user manual are created with Microsoft Excel on Mac. A very slight difference may be present on Microsoft Excel on Windows.

Transit-Natal Grid – The Transit-Natal Grid displays the parallel (PAR) or contra-parallel (C-PAR) aspects that the transit objects make with the natal objects (23 objects can be interactively selected to be displayed as 23 columns objects). The placements (i.e., Declination) of these selected transiting objects for the current date are under the names of those objects.

The natal placements used in the Daily Ephemeris & Aspectarian are calculated by APS according to either of these options decided at the point of sale:  1) APS Time Conversion or 2) Standard Time Conversion.  With either option we utilize JPL Horizons API access for the retrieval of data.  For more information about these two options of calculation, please refer to our product Natal Chart Calculations.

Transit Aspect Grid – The Transit Aspect Grid sheet displays the transits of 490 objects for each day of the year (the year is specified upon purchase of the Declination Daily Ephemeris & Aspectarian) and the parallel (PAR) or contra-parallel (C-PAR) aspects those transiting objects make.

In the “Select 25 Objects” section 25 objects of interest can be interactively selected and below them all 490 objects are displayed. For each transit object Longitude, Latitude and Declination are displayed with the functionality to sort them by declination. 23 objects can be selected interactively as columns under the date. For more information how to use the Transit Aspect Grid, refer to our user manual.

Object List – This sheet lists all 490 objects.

[1] The Flower of Life – (Declination/Galactic) Daily Ephemeris & Aspectarian can be developed for each year from 1900 to 2050 CE.