Earth’s stable “quasi-moons” – Kamo`oalewa, 2023FW13, 2020PP1 and their proposed significance  

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Earth’s stable “quasi-moons” – Kamo`oalewa, 2023FW13, 2020PP1 and their proposed significance

©️ Astro Precise Services 2023

Date of calculations: 2023-04-16


Kamo`oalewa was discovered on 2016-04-27.31228 at the observatory F51-PanSTARRS 1 in Haleakala, HI (1° Libra 09’16.18”Rx).  2023FW13 was recently discovered on 2023-03-28.391468 at F52-PanSTARRS 2 in Haleakala, HI (12° Libra 01’05.29”Rx).  2020PP1 was discovered on 2020-08-12.382861 at F51-PanSTARRS 1 in Haleakala, HI (29° Aquarius 03’05.49”).  The previous perihelion of Kamo`oalewa was 2022-10-04, 17:51:05.3 UT (7° Libra 05’46.22”Rx).  With 2023FW13 the previous one was on 2022-12-12, 20:34:52.75 UT (9° Aquarius 37’02.53”) and with 2020PP1 the previous one was 2023-04-03, 17° Gemini 20’01.38”.  This occurs roughly the same day each year due to the common orbital period of 1.00 years although advancing in zodiacal position.

Since at least 1850, Kamo`oalewa has been in a prograde orbit like our Moon (direct in motion) transiting through all 12 Signs until 1921-01-07, 1:16 UT, when it decided for the first time to go retrograde (Rx) at 6° Aquarius 44’.  It was Rx for about two months until 1921-03-10, 9:57 UT, then went direct at 19° Leo 24’.  It has been changing direction (prograde to Rx to prograde) ever since.   Since 1922-02-03, it has been in the Signs from Virgo to Capricorn until 1928-11-26, when it decided to narrow its Sign distribution from Virgo to Sagittarius.  Since 1968-04-01 it was narrowed to between Virgo and Scorpio, and since 2018-03-10 to the present even more tight to Virgo and Libra.   Interestingly, it begins to widen its distribution on 2024-09-01 to include Scorpio again.  Finally, on 2026-03-28 it widens further to include Leo to Scorpio.  Therefore, the implication is that the last four years seem to be a “turning point” of Kamo`oalewa’s orbital journey around Earth.   Its focus has been on the two Signs Virgo and Libra. At Astro Precise Serviceswe propose that this might be due in part to the newly-discovered more stable “quasi-moon” 2023FW13, whose journey also seems to involve the same two Signs predominantly, not to mention the unusual shift in the orbit of 2020PP1 a few months ago in August 2022.

Unlike Kamo`oalewa, however, since 1900 until now 2023FW13 has been changing direction (prograde to Rx to prograde) around Earth and probably beyond this century – between 10° Pisces 15’50.89” on 1903-01-30, 14:49 UT and 21° Virgo 07’04.54” on 1993-10-14, 10:58 UT, never entering the other Signs.  On 2024-04-26, 21:56 UT, it seems to be making a shift at its station in 26° Virgo 34’14.33”.   And, since at least 1900 until now, 2020PP1 has been in a prograde orbit like our Moon as well (direct in motion) transiting  through all 12 Signs until 1960-09-09, 8:59 UT, when it decided for the first time to go Rx at 5°  Libra 48’33.58”.   And, why did that back-and-forth motion stop just last year on 2022-08-19, 8:01 UT at 24° Capricorn 22’29.44”, after 62 years, and the “decision” made to go prograde ONLY for the rest of the century and beyond?   The reason is that Kamo`oalewa and 2020PP1 are similar in their orbital journey in which they both reach a maximum latitude very near the celestial poles.  The maximum declination date is quite close to the maximum latitude date for 2020PP1 (within days), whereas for Kamo`oalewa it is 2-3 years apart.  Among known celestial objects, Kamo`oalewa appears to hold the record in maximum north declination at +89°49’48.66” on 1919-02-28, 1:30 UT.   2020PP1 is not far behind at +88°02’31.90” (in the top 12 of MPC-named objects) on 2022-06-14, 20:40 UT.  The other objects in this contest are worth noting, having been named most likely because of associations with some of the greatest mythical deities, e.g., Izhdubar (record holder of the most extreme south declination), Sekhmet (record holder of the most extreme south latitude), and the unknown TNO 2017UX51 (record holder of the most extreme north latitude). 

What is it about Virgo and Libra of which these two “quasi-moons” (Kamo`oalewa and 2023FW13) of Earth seem to be enamored?   Kamo`oalewa has its Natural South Node in 22
° Virgo 15’46.89” on 2022-06-09, 8:10:51.46 UT and 2023FW13 in 14° Libra 13’19.40” on 2022-06-21, 4:43:11.15 UT.  Both were discovered in Libra with almost the same East Point (EP = 1st House, Meridian System):  Kamo`oalewa (22° Sagittarius 32’41”) and 2023FW13 (21° Sagittarius 00’23”). 

What we see with 2020PP1 is a discovery in Aquarius with its recent Natural South Node in 24
° Capricorn 38’11.44”Rx on 2022-08-14, 5:55:56.255 UT, and its recent Natural North Node in 19° Taurus 09’53.07” on 2023-02-24, 20:19:23.61 UT.  It also has an EP at 5° Taurus 08’24” and a Moon at 27° Taurus 41’36”.   For those astrologers who consider transits to the Natural Geocentric Nodes important, have a look at Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) conjunct 2020PP1’s North Node on 2023-05-13 at 18:42 UT with Psyche Rx in opposition at 16:12 UT! 

We propose that just like the Earth’s Moon symbolizes the collective Soul, including born and yet-to-be born souls, these stable “quasi-moons” symbolize three particular souls who were at Creation Providentially-chosen within this group of souls, set apart as it were – with the world still awaiting the imminent “Thrice-born.”  If you’re scratching your head at this point, the Egyptian myth of Osiris-Isis-Horus is worth reading.   Who are these Earthly representatives and what is their Message?   And, why is May 13, 2023, so significant? 

We believe that a study of the discovery charts, the Natural Nodes, perihelions, apsides and ephemerides will shed some light on these questions.   For a complimentary ephemeris of each “quasi-moon,” visit our website here. Unfortunately, most astrology software is only capable of tracking Kamo`oalewa (MPC no. 469219), since the other two objects are unnumbered as of now.  If you are interested in an extended ephemeris of these, the most accurate available, please refer to our product Custom Ephemeris.

Enjoy the research!

Kamo`oalewa discovery

2023FW13 discovery

2020PP1 discovery